Golf Tournament Signs
There are a number of different kinds of golf signs that may be required for your charity golf tournament. First, you may be interested in offering a welcome sign or general charity golf tournament banner for all guests and participants to see when they arrive. Often golf tournaments have sponsors. Therefore, organizations may want to place golf course signs around the property to “Thank Sponsors”. If a company chooses to sponsor a specific hole or contest, you’ll want to mark these holes with a golf sign showcasing the company logo. On-the-course contests will also need golf course signs to inform players which hole hosts the Longest Drive or Closest to Pin contest. You may also want to include signs to direct people to registration tables, displayed golf prizes gift-bag or golf apparel pick-up, golf cart loading area, or perhaps signage to identify other components of your charity event such as a silent auction table.
For help identifying your signage needs and creating high-quality golf course signs, see our recommended partners below!
Recommended Golf Tournament Sign Providers
From tournament planning to sponsor recognition signs, and prizes/gifts or everything in between, look to Teeblockers for quality and consistency.
Phone: 888-573-3343