Phone Support Package

Phone Support Packages

The success of our clients’ fundraising efforts is central to our mission. To ensure your satisfaction and success, we offer comprehensive support on all of our software modules. All of our subscriptions include free technical support via support request, email, and chat from our website.

  • The knowledge base for the GolfReg traditional .com platform is here.
  • The peer to peer and virtual fundraising platform Knowledge base is here.

Our technical support team is committed to providing superior support and is available Monday to Friday, 9 am – 6 pm Mountain Standard Time. We typically answer inquiries within a few hours, and within one business day at most. We also offer emergency and after-hours support. This is a paid service and you will be billed for emergency 24/7 calls.

DoJiggy offers free online technical support to our customers and companies evaluating our products. Please make sure and review our detailed technical support policy.

Paid Phone Support

Paid phone support is generally not needed, due to the methods of online support offered.

Some clients still prefer talking on the phone and need additional assistance with fundraising campaigns and site configuration. Phone support is included during your free trial or website configuration period only. Additional phone support is available on all subscriptions on an as-needed basis, for a fee.

  • general website & event consulting
  • detailed registration & website review
  • custom HTML direction & assistance
  • webinar presentations
  • assistance with payment processing integration
  • discussing special circumstances & needs

Please contact Sales if you would like to purchase a Phone support package. Sales will assist you in scheduling your phone support with one of our dedicated technical support specialists.

See More Service Packages

Phone Support Rates

Phone support is available at the following rates:

  • $5030 minutes of support.
  • $8060 minutes of support.
    With this package, you can divide the support into two phone calls.